I recently had the pleasure of being the guest speaker at JazzHR's Thought Leadership Webinar. We discussed how to increase your top candidate hires while reducing your time and cost....and tips for reducing employee turnover by significantly improving the "Employee Experience" at a company.
Here are 3 Top Tips for improving your "Employee Experience"
Top 10 Projects that Benefit from Investing in a Digital Transformation Specialist
The following infographic highlights the top 10 projects that benefit from investing in a Digital Transformation Specialist. A specialist can help speed up existing team projects and recommend the "right" technology (not just the latest technology), give you proactive advice, coaching and exploration of key issues, pain points and challenges where you most need help in digitally transforming and growing your business.
Read moreTop 7 Reasons Why Digital Transformation Fails
The following infographic highlights the top seven reasons why Digital Transformation fails. Position your business to take advantage of the latest technology to survive and thrive.
Read moreChange is the Law of Life - JFK
Back in 1963, President John F. Kennedy was quoted as saying... "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." Such a profound quote. We can't help but wonder what JFK would have thought about today's speed of change.
Read moreTop 6 Digital Transformation Training Topics Infographic
This year more than ever it's imperative to understand Digital Transformation and why it is so crucial to the survival and success of your business. Executives and managers need to fully understand the Digital Transformation trend to plan for the future. Lack of training and proper knowledge is one of the primary reasons for Digital Transformation failure.
Check out our infographic below featuring the Top 6 Digital Transformation Training Topics that we provide to executives and management teams to help them digitally transform their business.
Read moreTop 11 Digital Transformation Technologies for 2017
The Digital Transformation megatrend is fundamentally disrupting and changing every industry, business and most jobs at a rapid pace. Many executives and managers are struggling with understanding this megatrend and what it means to them and their organization. Digital Transformation affects everything from updating the company vision and strategy, to educating CEOs, CIOs and management teams on the significant changes that are taking place today.
Read moreDreamforce Conference - Day of Compassion and Mindfulness
Zen Monks - Photo credit: Pixabay
Meditation and mindfulness is becoming mainstream in business as a way of helping professionals deal with the daily stress of work and personal lives in today’s chaotic world. A little realized business trend is training executives and employees how to reduce stress which in turn helps them to become more focused, productive and innovative. And compassionate.
One of the people leading this charge is Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, one of the world’s most successful business leaders - and a big fan of meditation and mindfulness. So much so that he recently put meditation rooms on every floor in his new prestigious Salesforce building in San Francisco.
Read moreThe Best Advice I Can Give a Business Executive Today
Photo Credit: Barry Ross, Ross & Ross International
I attended a very interesting conference on Digital Transformation in San Francisco last month. During one of the sessions, a speaker made a very simple point that I jotted down and thought about on the way home later that day... and again over the next weekend. Here's what he said:
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