The following infographic highlights the top eight areas that executives and management teams need to review when conducting Digital Transformation business planning. It's a helpful way to evaluate your current technology situation and give you and your team a simple plan to successfully move forward in digitally transforming your business.
Read moreDigital Transformation... Why Now?
"By 2020, every business will become either a digital predator or digital prey… The prey will remain Digital Dinosaurs, unable to evolve their proven business model until it’s too late”
- Forrester Research
In other words, NOW is the time for you, as a small or midsize business (SMB) to embrace Digital Transformation. Doing so will have a dramatic impact on your business and its bottom-line. It’s crucial that you evolve, stay relevant and use the right technologies to keep you competitive, make your people more productive and grow your business.
Read moreThe Best Advice I Can Give a Business Executive Today
I attended a very interesting conference on Digital Transformation in San Francisco last month. During one of the sessions, a speaker made a very simple point that I jotted down and thought about on the way home later that day... and again over the next weekend. Here's what he said:
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