What Every Executive & Manager Needs To Know About Digital Transformation - Training Course

What Every Executive & Manager Needs To Know About Digital Transformation - Training Course
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Cloud-Based Digital Transformation (self-paced) Training Course for Small & Midsize Business (SMB) Leaders
Do you have any of these issues in your business today?
Keeping ahead of your new and existing competition so you're not "Uberized"
Lack of clear understanding of what your customers think of your products/services, people and company
Not having the right infrastructure and organization to lower costs and accelerate sales
Employees and managers expressing concern about your old outdated technology to do their jobs
Recruiting and retaining the best people
Your company not investing in continuous training to help your team be better, smarter and more productive
In this Digital Transformation course, you'll learn everything you need to know and how to get started on digitally transforming your organization
I'll educate you on the meaning of Digital Transformation and why it's so critical to the survival and growth of your organization, its benefits, tech trends, industries, key steps, and everything you need to know to start implementing the projects to transform and grow your business. You can take this training course anywhere, anytime, at your own pace. See Course Curriculum below
Who Should Take This Course
Executive, small and midsize business (SMB) owners, management teams
Busy professionals and entrepreneurs
Anyone wanting to know more about Digital Transformation
Anyone wanting to keep up with the latest technology and industry trends
Anyone wanting to learn about emerging technologies
Anyone changing careers
What You'll Need To Get Started
A willingness to take steps needed to digitally transform your organization
Computer or mobile device with good internet access
Headphone or earbuds optional
Anytime Access
Learn at your own pace, when it's convenient for you
Once you buy this course, it's yours to take anywhere, anytime 24/7 for a 12-month period
Take any session in any order - as many times as you like
30-day Money-Back Guarantee
Get a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied
Continuous Course Updates
We will continue to update the course with new -must-have materials and productivity tools to help you and your team be successful over the next 12 months
Get Started Growing Your Business using Digital Transformation Today!
This online self-paced course is short, focused, easy and to-the-point
After taking this course, you'll be able to apply these ideas to digitally transform and grow your business
Optional Digital Transformation Coaching
Get coaching sessions with a Digital Transformation Specialist
Bring a Digital Transformation Specialist into your team to provide an outside perspective and guidance
Discuss your organization's top issues, review project plans, ask about the latest technology
Learn about Best Practices and Tips
Ask any "dumb" questions to our discreet specialist
Course Curriculum
SECTION 1: Introduction & Overview
Introduction to Digital Transformation for Executives and Managers
What You'll Learn in This Course
SECTION 2: What is Digital Transformation
Overview of Digital Transformation Video
Digital Transformation Quiz
Digital Transformation Definition - Infographic
What Leading Industry Experts Are Saying About Digital Transformation
Business Transformation in 40 Months - Digital Business: The Work Ahead - by Cognizant
The Definition of Digital Transformation - from a Webinar I presented
SECTION 3: Digital Transformation Benefits
Benefits of Digital Transformation
SECTION 4: Trends in Technology
Top Tech Trends That Will Change Your Business
Background Information: Top Technology Trends in 2016 from the Consumer Electronics Show
Why 40 Percent of Businesses Will Die in the Next 10 Years
When Will the Future Arrive? - World Economic Forum
SECTION 5: Favorite Industry Stories on Digital Transformation
Six Top Leaders Discuss How They Digitally Transformed Their Companies - Davos 2016 (Video)
How GE, a 140+ year-old Industrial Company is Transforming Itself into a Modern Service Company
List of Top Industries Being Disrupted by Digital Transformation Today
Top 10 Industries Being Disrupted by Digital Transformation - Infographic
List of Industries with Digital Transformation
SECTION 6: The Process of Implementing Digital Transformation
5-Steps to Digital Transformation Overview (Video)
5-Steps to the Digital Transformation Process - Infographic
Digital Transformation Assessment Questions to Discuss with Your Team
Top 8 Areas to Review During a Digital Transformation Assessment - Infographic
Digital Transformation: SWOT - Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat
Digital Transformation: SWOT - Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (Video)
SECTION 7: Project Tips in Digital Transformation
Tips & Suggestions for Reducing Your Organization's Risk from Digital Transformation
Top 10 Projects that Benefit from Investing in a Digital Transformation Specialist - Infographic
The Top Reasons Digital Transformation Projects Fail - Infographic
Cyber Security Basics - Don't Use the Worst Passwords
SECTION 8: Continuous Learning
Continuous Learning is a Key to Digital Transformation Success
Annual Team Training Subjects - Infographic
Top 6 Digital Transformation Training Topics - Infographic
SECTION 9: Digital Disruptive Technology (New - In Development)
List of Digital Technology Disrupting SMBs
Technology Budgeting - What Changed?
SECTION 10: How SMB Departments Are Changing (New - In Development)
List of Company Departments Undergoing Digital Transformation
SECTION 11: Digital Transformation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Digital Transformation FAQs
SECTION 12: Thank You and Congrats!
Thank You and Congratulations!
About The Instructor
Hi, I'm Barry. Originally from New York, I now live in Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the last 20+ years, we've successfully helped startups, small and midsize businesses (SMBs) and enterprises around the world transform their organizations and accelerate sales using the latest technology.
As an expert in Digital Transformation, we provide Training, Coaching and Assessments to executives and management teams who need help digitally transforming their organizations.
We developed this cloud-based Digital Transformation (self-paced) training course to help educate executives and management teams on what steps they need to take to digitally transform their organizations now... before the competition transforms their business. As Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce says... "Speed is the new currency of business."
Get started now! Join me in this Digital Transformation journey today.
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